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Memoir of a Mad Woman

Memoir of a Mad Woman

By Vashti Quiroz-Vega Genre/Category: Fictional Memoir
A novelette from the award-winning author of The Fall of Lilith and Son of the Serpent, Vashti Quiroz-Vega. Who can explain how madness begins? This is the story of Emma. Reared by a religious fanatic, orphaned at a young age and sent to a mental institution and an orphanage. Molested and betrayed by the people who should be watching over her… Who can say that madness has no logic? During a fight, Emma's best friend punched her in the abdomen. Since then, Emma has believed there's something damaged inside of her. Every month… she bleeds. She tries to fight it all her life, but the pain and the blood return twenty-eight days later… and the cycle begins again. But Emma, even in her madness, knows how to take care of herself. She knows how to make things right… You may not agree… But, who can reason with insanity? Read this tragic but fascinating tale and traverse the labyrinthine passages of madness.