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The Oort Federation: To the Stars

The Oort Federation: To the Stars

The Second Oort Chronicle

By Robert G. Williscroft
As the Oort Federation becomes a major force in the Solar System, Braxton Thorpe passes the Federation chairmanship to former U.S. President John Butler. Thorpe’s group offers humanity virtual immortality, but Isidor Orlov and his Udachny Enterprises oppose their every move. Phoenix terraforms Mars for more living space, but the Mars Reds prove formidable resisters. If the Asterian starship fighter pilots are released, will they align with Phoenix or Udachny, and who will develop the right FTL technology? In this tense space adventure, Thorpe, his team, and Max the tabby cat travel to Proxima Centauri and beyond to the Aster system, 84 lightyears distant. Will Thorpe bring together humans and Asterians in their quest for intergalactic travel? Will long life prove more than mere humans can handle?

Promo Notes

Braxton Thorpe and his team battle Orlov’s Udachny Enterprises and Mars Reds to expand the Federation and offer humankind immortality.