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Daedalus LEO

Daedalus LEO

SWIC Drop from Low Earth Orbit (Daedalus Series Book 2)

By Robert G. Williscroft Genre/Category: Military/Science Fiction
The new armor-plated Gryphon-10 is ready to launch, and Derek “Tiger” Baily will test-fly it from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for the first time, more than double the Gryphon-7’s best drop. Orbital re-entry in nothing more than a wingsuit carries extreme risks, yet Tiger and his team must rely on the numbers—and their own practical know-how—as they plan for the worst and hope for the best. Ride along with Tiger as he’s catapulted into space by Slingshot, then dropped from a record-obliterating 160 klicks. Strap in for a story that flies like the Gryphon-10.