Journey to the Rainbow’s End
A Drag Queen's Odyssey
By Forrest Stepnowski
Genre/Category: LGBTQ/memoir
Forrest Robert Stepnowski captures the essence of "coming out" and coming of age as a gay male today, and over the past three decades. "Journey to the Rainbow's End" captures the joys of love, the pain of heartbreak, surviving the darkness of suicide, and the self-discovery of finding one’s voice and place in society. Forrest Robert Stepnowski is a community advocate, a writer, a social worker, and a female impersonator, known as Victoria Eyesli, in the Pacific Northwest. He has been writing poetic works and prose for many years, and focuses on empowering others who have dealt with similar pathways of self-hate, self-deprecation, and self-loathing, in the hopes they can find they are not alone, that they are not deviants, nor are they against “human nature.” We all have voices, and the world should hear them all.