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Model and Mistress of Augustus Saint-Gaudens

By Karen Ingalls
Augustus Saint-Gaudens was America's premier sculptor from 1880 to 1920. Though married he fell in love with his model, Davida Johnson Clark and their love affair lasted over twenty-five years. This biography will introduce the reader to the sculptor's great art, historical facts, and the moral values of that era. The author is the great-granddaughter from this union and her purpose in writing the book is to bring recognition to Davida and remove any negative stigma to her. Her grandfather suffered his whole life from being labeled a bastard while growing up and the author intends to remove that label. How can a love affair last for such a long time? What effect did it have on his career? How did his wife and their son cope with their being a second family? This is a compelling and beautiful love story that has needed to be told.